okey i want you to find me a movie (a series, perhaps, but propaply a movie) i know to scenes from that movie - one scene a man and a woman have sex - i think there are opiekunowie wycziekczi szkolnej/hercerzy/w każdym razie dzieci. the women suggest some drug to mage sex better, however when they have sex, taking that drug makes women fall uncinsious - fell asleep. the man says her not to fall asleep, but when she does men goes to take a quic piss - but loses conciousnes and falls asleep during his walk to take piss. they are showes (found?) exoised, man liging to the ground face down, women in bed with breast visable. the other scene had a blode women in glasses want to have sex with men. they men seys he had no protection, but women seys its not a problem, becosue she herself has alredy protected herself. that woman wears underwear with american flag. movie is from probable from 2000s or early 2010s, aloth i am not sure